The goal of the JDF REC is to promote high ethical standards in research and publications. The Committee, through its evaluation processes, facilitates the protection of potential participants and the Force in research, and considers potential risks and benefits for the participants.
Committee Composition
The JDF REC is comprised of strategically selected service personnel and external stakeholders. To this end membership of the Committee includes but is not limited to representatives from the Health Services Corps (HSC), Inspector General (IG) Office, Caribbean Military Academy, and independent members. The overall aim of committee members is to represent the best interest of servicemen and women, and the Force.
Target Audience
The JDF REC considers applications for ethical approval from servicemembers, and external stakeholders who wish to conduct research using JDF resources or servicemembers as participants.

Responsible Conduct of Research(Training)

The CMA is committed to the protection of all human subjects and the responsible conduct of research, which is exemplified by promoting a strong culture of ethical research practice via appropriate training for academics, researchers and students within the CMA and by extension the JDF.

Training Document/Manual